Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fury DPS Rotation

Hello WoW players,

So in my last post I last commented on rotations. Anyway I want to give you all my rotation I use to gather mass amounts of DPS. My current DPS rotation for fury spec is as follows.

Use these before you start to get extra rage:
Bloodrage - Berserker Rage!

DPS Rotation:
Bloodthrist - Whirlwind - Heroic Strike(Extra rage if you crit with "Glyph of Heroic Strike, if you do not use this I recommend you do, but if not then Heroic strike usually isn't needed) - Cleave - Slam(Only! when Bloodsurge activates)

This is my current rotation, don't forget to refresh your Bloodrage and Berserker Rage when you need the rage. Anyway this is my rotation and it helps, you can use whirlwind and cleave when ever you want for the extra AoE damage.

Next topic might be a little about prot or arms. Stay tuned!

P.S I will also be posting pictured of my set-up on here as well.


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