Monday, February 22, 2010

Little info about Arms (More to come)

Alright so all you arms warriors STOP RAIDING! No but seriously arms warriors were good up to Ulduar and partially through TotC. Arms is meant for PvPing mainly. So if your a PvPer as a warrior please go arms, but if you insist you want to stay arms for raiding then it is your personal preference, which means your retarded. If you know the rotation well as a fury warrior (see below) then you will crank out much more DPS than that of an arms warrior. Sure the bladestorm is really fun but if you want to progress as a warrior in PvE then please for the love of god go fury. For all you PvPers I will be also making a post on PvP as well.

Now arms, fun spec, fun spec indeed. In the raid TotC and TotGC arms is useful because of MS, it isn't necessarily needed but it is handy to have against the faction champions. Now some of you may be asking, well not asking SAYING that "Bladestorm is uber awesomezzz, use that and epic deeps!" Yes if you use that you will get epic deeps.....for the 10 seconds your spinning around like an idiot. But after that, you really ain't got nothing left to pull heavy DPS like a fury warrior. It can be done, not saying it cannot be, but if you want to progress and if you want to get into more raids, people would rather have fury than arms.

~Next post will be a little more about Arms as PvE then will go into Arms for PvP, eventually leading into fury as PvP, then into Prot as of coarse PvP and PvE.


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